3-Maron back in Canarias!

Hey my loves! here we continue with Maron’s travels…he now returns to The Canary Islands and already the buzz was getting around. I am going to share his first self portrait, he made it around this time.


This next interview was done by the most important Newspaper of all Canary’s. His grandfather who is my Great Grandfather bought that very paper everyday. Here I will show you the article!

This is very hard to see so I am including a transcription in its original Spanish and also an English translation below it…enjoy!


Cuando Salvador Maron se marcho de Las Palmas llevando sus dibujos bajo el brazo, quizá nadie, ni siquiera el, he imaginado el triunfo que le aguardaba en Nueva York. Ahora, Maron ha vuelto ya famoso. Un debut muy afortunado en el lugar donde otros terminan ha realizado el ¨milagro¨ porque Maron llegado de la mano de Juan Prat Gay ha comenzado su carrera artística exponiendo en la cuidad donde otros ponen como meta a su deambular artístico.

Atraído por esos mil encantos que solo advertimos en Canarias cuando nos encontramos lejos de ellas y en busca de su luminosidad y su Paisaje, Salvador Maron ha vuelta a su Patria chica aun con el rumor en sus oídos del aplauso de la critica Neoyorkina y con un álbum que recoge gráficamente sus pasos en Nueva York, gigantesco escenario del triunfo con que inicia su carrera.

Su exposición ha resultado un éxito en cuanto a venta y asistencia de público se refiere. Personalidades americanas de la vida política, artística y social, y extranjeros que en aquellos días paseaban su fama a la sombra de las enormes moles de cemento neoyorquinas, han visitado la muestra de Maron.
Salvador, come hemos dicho, esta ahora en Las Palmas. Comparte un original apartamento con otras artistas, en las cercanías de Las Canteras, y durante el día se evade del ruido de la cuidad para dibujar en el campo y recoger en sus bocetos nuestro paisaje y tras darle su peculiar estilo pasear nuestros encantos por los Galerías de Arte europeos.
Salvador, ¿porque no te presentaste en Las Palmas, tu tierra, sino en Nueva York?
.- Para contestarte tengo que explicarte antes porque me decidí a exponer. Dibujaba desde era pequeño, pero la idea de exponer la reservaba para mas adelante. Un día conocí a Juan Prat Gay con motivo de un viaje que hizo a Las Palmas, le comuniqué mis inquietudes artísticas y el me ayudó y me lanzó, pues conforme a lo acordado le fui mandando dibujos que hacia y de pronto la Galería Foussats de Nueva York tenia interés por exponer mis dibujos, era un magnifica ocasión que no desaproveché.
Así, a los diecisiete años, Salvador Maron debutó en Nueva York. El éxito de su muestra ya lo hemos indicado.
Ahora, ¿cuales son tus proyectos inmediatos?
.- El más próximo exponer en Madrid y ahora aprovechando que estoy en Las Palmas y aquí no se me conoce como pintor, presentarme en mi tierra. Pero sobre eso no te doy seguridad.
Según Maron, ¿cuál es el estilo pictórico de Maron?
.- No poseo un estilo determinado. Aun me hallo en periodo de transformación. Quizá dentro de diez años puede concretarte algo más, pero creo que el pintor que pretende ingresar en una escuela determinada pone obstáculos a sus posibilidades, hace algo así como negarse a su mismo, porque el Arte brota espontáneo y no se le puede encerrar en unas normes preconcebidas, si no dejarle libre…
Maron, conforme a sus diecisiete años, es un disconforme, su misma apariencia lo demuestra….
“Aun no me he encontrado a mi mismo”, me dice.
A pesar de su afortunado debut, del éxito de la crítica, Maron no cree que ha escalado el último peldaño y ve aun por delante un amplio camino que recorrer. Su disconformidad consigo mismo es un acicate para su superación que busca por todos los medios.
En NY te has puesto en contacto con los pintores Americanos ¿que opinas de la pintura Americana?
.- America es una Nación joven, llena de ideas nuevas. Pero es también un país que flota o gira alrededor del dólar, y como sucede también con el Arte, le priva de mayores perspectivas. Particularmente creo que en los EE. UU hay ahora pocos artistas que miren el Arte como un problema actual.
Entonces ¿Atribuyes al Arte una misión social?
Indudablemente. El pintor debe reflejar en su obra su visión particular sobre los problemas sociales del momento. Debe tratar de utilizar el Arte no sólo para el deleite, sino para la enseñanza.
Maron, hablaste antes de la visión materialista de algunos pintores Americanos. ¿Tu piensas vivir del Arte?
.-Si no es ofendele, SI.

under the picture it states:

Salvador Marón charlando con el Agregado Cultural de la Embajada Española en NY, en el acto de inauguración de su muestra a la que asistieron las personas más representativas de la intelectualidad neoyorquinas, de la política etc.


Salvador Maron When he left Las Palmas taking his drawings under his arm, perhaps no one, not even he imagined the success that awaited him in New York. Now, Maron has returned famous. A very successful debut at the place where others end made the “miracle”, because Maron from the hand of Juan Prat Gay began his career exhibiting in the city where others place their wandering artistic goal.

Attracted by the thousand charms of the Canaries, only noticed when we are away from them, and looking for its luminosity and its landscape, Salvador Maron has returned home town still with the sound of the New Yorker critical acclaim in the ears and with a graphic album that collects his footsteps in New York, gigantic scenario of the huge win with which he started his career.

His presentation has been a success in terms of sales and public attendance is concerned. American personalities of political, artistic and social, and foreigners in those days walking their fame in the shadow of the huge masses of New York’s cement, have visited the exhibition of Maron.
Salvador, as I have said, is now in Las Palmas. Shares an original flat with other artists, on the outskirts of Las Canteras, and during the day escapes the noise of the city to draw on the field and picked up our landscape in sketches and after giving his trademark style, walking our charms by European Art Galleries.

Salvador, why no-show in Las Palmas, your land, but in New York?
. – To answer you first I have to explain why I decided to expose. I was drawing since I was little, but the idea of exposing I reserved for later. One day I met Juan Prat Gay on the occasion of a trip he did to Las Palmas, I told him of my artistic interests and he helped and launched me, as agreed I was sending him drawings and suddenly gallery Foussats in New York was interested in exposing my work, was a wonderful opportunity not to waste.
So, at seventeen, Salvador Maron debuted in New York. The success of his shows we have indicated.

Now, what are your immediate plans?
. – Next exhibits in Madrid, and since I’m in Las Palmas now, and here I am not known as a painter, introduce myself in my home town. But that I can not assure you.
According to Maron, what is the pictorial style of Maron?
. – I do not have a particular style. I am still in process of transformation. Maybe in ten years I can specify something else, but I think the painter who wants to go in a particular school will hamper his chances, something like denying yourself, because Art springs spontaneous and can not be locked into preconceived norms, but let it free.
Maron, in tune with his seventeen years, is a non-conformist, as his very appearance shows.

I have not found myself yet, he says.
Despite his successful debut, the critical acclaim, Maron doesn’t believe to have climbed the last step and still it’s a long way to go ahead. His disagreement with himself is an incentive for improvement that he seeks by all means.
In NY you have made contact with American painters what you think of American painting?
. – America it is a young nation, full of new ideas. But it is also a country that floats and rotates around the dollar, and as it is with art, deprived of a larger perspective. Particularly I think in the United States there are few artists who look at art as an ongoing problem.
So do you attribute to art a social mission?
. – Undoubtedly. The painter should reflect in his work his unique insights on current social problems. He should try to use art not only for enjoyment, but for teaching.
Maron spoke before the materialist view of some American painters. Do you think living from art?
If not offending it, yes.

under the picture it states

Salvador Maron chatting with the Cultural Attaché of the Spanish Embassy in NY, at the opening ceremony of his show attended by the most representative of the New York intellectuals, politics etc.

Ok here we go… I show you an article written by Royston Ellis of Maron at that time. This  man gave the idea to change The BEATELS from The BEETELS, he was their friend during their coming into the music scene…(that’s another story). My dad…it is very cute how rough he looks on this one, it feels very candid to me. You can see a small add under his picture that says “RICARDO” which is the address next to the house he was born in! funny.


this one needs no translation ;)

I trully love this series of drawings Maron made in his journal during that time…let’s take a peek.








2 Thoughts on “3-Maron back in Canarias!

  1. Great post Alegria! love the insight in Salvador’s amazing gift xx

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