Hello there! here I will share an interview that I conducted on my father…hope you enjoy!

How did the Canary Islands influence you as an artist?
I suppose that the fact that in the Canaries there was not much information about art history, nothing predicted I would one day be a painter, that opportunity came out of the blue, literally…
When did you know that painting was your passion?
Only recently, when I finally realized that painting is practically extinct as an art form and I still believe in it.
Do you have a favorite series of paintings or one favorite piece? And if so which one?
My favorite is always the one I’m working on, but I have a special liking for my first works when I had not yet much technical experience.
How many paintings do you think you have done so far?
At least five hundred oil paintings and some three thousand drawings.
What are some of the places you have lived in and which are your favorite ones?
I’ve traveled since I was a kid, first with my parents and then by myself when I turned 16 and went to N.Y. One of my favorite places is Marrakesh, where I met my wife Willy. Also I like Oregon, where we live now.
What painting are you working on now?
I’m working on something I started a few months ago and will take few more to finish, it is a picture in oil on hard board of a monk in deep contemplation, I think I will call it “The abyss of doubt”, no doubt God is the source.
What is the story behind this piece?
That is top secret.
I know that you have also written books, can you tell me a bit about them? What subjects do you prefer to write about?
I write about very serious and important subjects like life and death, religion and God, but in my own humorous style. Also about personal trips and experiences, right now I have 13 books available published in Lulu.
What makes a painting a masterpiece?
Time. A masterpiece is a work of art recognized by a great majority and kept in a museum, before that it is only speculation.
What do you think about artists today?
Whatever I or anybody thinks, only time can tell who is who.
We live in Oregon on a farm, a beautiful place.
Considering all of the places you have lived in your life, how does your current location compare and what place and time was your favorite?
Each place has something but you cannot have everything, I loved Holland because they have the best art supplies in the world, but Oregon has all the beauty of nature and peace to work. My dream is to have enough money to go anywhere I want, but as good as a place can get nothing can compare to the place you are born, in my case is the Canary Islands.
What are your upcoming projects?
I would like to make an exhibition in N.Y. fifty years after my first one there, but that is for the moment only a dream.
How can we find your work for sale?
I don’t have any gallery representing me as of now. My website is soon to come and is under construction, but you can go directly to me “salvadormaron@yahoo.com” and my prices are still pretty affordable. Still to sell a painting is quite a miracle, a real test to your vocation, I could write a book about that, so stay posted.
If you didn’t end up being this amazing painter, what else do you think you would have done?
If I had the knowledge I have now I would have become a monk, but I thank God to give me the chance to paint.
What are your thoughts on the world today and the importance of art and literature?
I’m not very optimistic but if instead of politics and military, artists could run the world; there would be a greater chance of a better future.
Ok my loved ones…until next time!