Salvador meets Willy – the magic begins!

When my father met my mother Willy in the fall of 1967 he was in Marrakesh , he was 19…

you can read the whole story in a book he wrote about it called “Willy”, available in Lulu.

The cover on this book is an actual painting of my mother I remember since I was on this earth, beautiful; he made one of her and one of him and they would be hung right beside each other…amazing. I also really enjoy the photoshop series of prints my mother Willy made of this very painting, you can see it here Willy’s Photoshop.

Together they traveled quite a bit and ended up in Brazil in 1968, in a small little town called Parati, my mother was pregnant. They spent a few months there and they were very happy. He made drawings of that beautiful place and had an exhibition in the gallery of Jose Kleber, a dear friend.


Here is a portrait of Jose Kleber

Although it was a place almost nowhere in the map, among the personalities that attended the show was the exiled king of Portugal, Don Gonzalo de Obregon y Braganza, he acquired one of his works, a beautiful drawing of Willy pregnant.

I personally really like this one because I can see my mother very well…

For now I leave you with this taste but next we go back to New York!!!



One Thought on “Salvador meets Willy – the magic begins!

  1. DaShaun M. Gaines on March 28, 2011 at 8:54 pm said:

    I love it!

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