Los Angeles -Part 4. Cambridge St. and “La Corona Roja” exhibition

Now we go to a different part of this great city, Maron returns from the Canary Islands and we live in LA; Venice & Western on Cambridge…BEAUTIFUL big house, 2 stories and completely redone inside with dark wood floors and a piece we loved which was an old school white heavy double oven stove. So let’s take a short tour…

The studio

the downstairs living room.

This was the dining area…to the right you would be in the kitchen & to the left you had my mother’s studio; behind was the living room that you saw above, lovely.

Upstairs studio where Maron did his work, to the right was their bedroom and across the hall there was the main bathroom with a great cast iron tub…God I loved that house, if I could get it today! You can see on the easel the becoming of “The Shroud”

The Shroud. This painting he did for Piero Di Pasquale, a friend who was a reporter of RAI TV in Italy as he was doing a piece on the subject. This painting was amazing and is admired.








Portrait of Piero                                                    Portrait of Krista, his girlfriend and child actor

And their doggie…what a face!

Flowers for Piero

Also upon his return from Canary Islands he was invited to take part in a group exhibition in the museum of modern Art in Las Palmas; “La Corona Roja”, all about volcanoes. He himself did not go there but the painting was picked up  and later returned, then sold to Douglas Bergeron and Vibeke Knudsen here in LA.

I will show you some beauties that he did while in LA.


My Spider plant (Willy’s)

The Potatoes

Now I want to show you some things that have to do with the Volcano exhibition

Red Crown”

About the Volcano

The Cock’s crest, 1996 – Oil on Canvas

Here it is close up…it is so majestic!

Here is his info for the Museum…it summarizes what I have been telling you all in this blog ;)

Let’s go back to looking at some pieces while in LA…

Palm Tree LA

This painting was bought by Paula Abdul who my mother styled for some time…she was with Emilio Estevez. I recall meeting him once when they came to our house on Longridge, they were very nice.

The Blue Longridge. I of course love ANY knot he does and very much look forward to his limited edition prints on canvas he is working on…(YES!)

Well my dear friends we once more went on a trip through time and I was able to share the story and art of the unmistakable Maron, my father…until next time stay good!

Check out what my mother is doing during this time HERE

3 Thoughts on “Los Angeles -Part 4. Cambridge St. and “La Corona Roja” exhibition

  1. Pingback: HASTA LUEGO MADRID… | willyvanrooy.com

  2. Josephine Crawford on June 12, 2012 at 11:44 pm said:

    I feel full to the brim with delight,reading the story,in part,of your family and taking in all of paintings-from pictures or in studio or on site.In this moment I recall your Uncle Pedro and how his eyes-like in so many other portraits- tell their story. The highlighted sketch of ‘Home’ ,beautiful interiors you loved,and impressionistic paintings of marvellous colour!
    Sunglasses too,with style.
    Thank you so very much,Willy.
    Hasta Luego! All my love,

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