Daily Archives: October 30, 2011

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ale and El Nido

El Nido del Aguila – El Cuarton – Africa’s view and the Carpets

This was a marvelous time, beautiful house or castle seen through my eyes…so much to venture and find in the gardens and so much to imagine for a young girl. I see such a big difference between the time I grew up and the times in which our children are growing up in now. I would stay outside all day and pretend 1000 & 1 scenarios and have the time of my life…at home today I almost have to force my kids to go outside and ride theirs bikes or just play! Well that is just the was it is I guess but I shall not give up…Times were much different too and Europe is also not the same as the US in many basic ways. Well the opening shot brought those thoughts to surface and a wishful dream that if only I could transport them to that time…that place…experience that childhood! wow ok ok, let’s get to the meat and potatoes here :) So we are in the South of Spain as you know and my father is painting non stop. He started a series of carpets during this time which is amazingly crafted along with his beautiful drawings that are always so lovely, I want to take you through a tour.

A painting of me by daddy

This is a drawing of the view of Africa from where we lived…so magical! By the way there is an amazing painting of this view that I shall share later ;) -Left-




The interior of El Nido Del Aguila

(The Eagle’s Nest) -Right-






Our dog Kabuli -Left-






I want to share with you a personal quote from my father that gives good insight into what an artist feels and is moved by in respect to his work and art in general.

“When it comes to speaking about painting, which happens to be the path I ventured to take, I feel unable to have an objective opinion that is not influenced by my personal experience. We could agree that painting today is very different than it was in the 14 century, and no doubt there is an evolution, with up and downs and good and bad artists, although compared to today they all seem better, and it looks like painting is on the road to extinction. The fact is that today, to be considered art, the emphasis is put on coming all the time with new and different ideas, and what in the past usually took centuries today happens in a year, like in fashion the hunger for novelty is insatiable. So it is no longer about painting but about ideas to satisfy the appetite of speculators. But that is the reality of the world and the artist depends of that too. First it was the Church and aristocracy, but bottom line is that the rich always promoted the artists,  and there is great competition as in any other business, with the risk of becoming commercial, etc. Modern art in the beginning seemed to be a remedy, but as it turned out the remedy is worse than the sickness. What is obvious to me is that the only way to go on painting is to be yourself. Of course that is not so simple as it sounds, whatever the style or form of expression, nothing is really new under the sun. Still we all have a different personality and so the chance to make a mark in the world is always there, I suggest to follow your instinct. I for example enjoy the company of the painting I happen to be doing, hoping to be a masterpiece, which brings an interesting question: what is a masterpiece? The answer is that only time can tell. As for what I like to paint I prefer to do it from what I see, especially something that has been painted before but I can re-vindicate. That is what motivated me to do  the series of the carpets, because although they are so classic they have always been neglected, put to the background, and I love to bring them to the front-stage. Another example is the Last Supper, which I did from a very popular and commercial item that everybody in Spain had at home, a metal bas-relief made from a former oil by an old master, Juan de Juanes. The arm of Jesus is from the actual relief I transplanted to the painting. In this case the circle is closed, from a painting to a bas-relief then back to a painting and bas-relief too. Let me now finish by saying that no matter what you do or try to say, the painting always has the last word, and the thing you cannot hide is the real intention of your work, so just be honest.”

This was important for you to read as we continue.

Here is The Last Supper masterpiece…this one is to my brother Alejandro what the Ham is to me

Below he is working on the Last Supper…You have to see it to truly understand…


Maron in his studio in El Nido






Maron starting the Lions- ’85





The Royal Couple – Finished beauty

I close with a picture that says so much and shows so well who he is.

There is so much more that is to come my dear friends. it is the mid 80’s and tons of life and adventures await. I invite you to join me again soon for the next chapter, until then I send peace and loving thoughts. 

To follow what is happening with my mother during this time please click HERE